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Left hand lane a34 newcastle road, just before the signpost for Moreton Cum Alcumlow

Reported via mobile in the Pothole category anonymously at 09:58, Monday 13 January 2025

Sent to Cheshire East Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 6971292.

It is an incredibly dangerous pothole if you can even call it that with the depth and breath of the road damage. What is even more concerning is that you have acknowledged the pot hole with spray paint and are letting taxpayers, road users, and the general public drive on such a dangerous, damaged road. This pot hole has caused very expensive damage to our family car. This pot hole has clearly been here a while and there are other active complaints. This pot hole has been there for a considerable amount of time as there are 2 different sets of spray paint with one set fading and a newer set visable. This needs actioning immediately to protect other road users.

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  • Thank you for contacting Cheshire East Highways.  Your enquiry has been logged and passed to a member of our team. We will aim to assess and update your enquiry within 20 working days. As your enquiry progresses you will receive further updates.

    Posted by Cheshire East Council at 09:58, Monday 13 January 2025

  • A job has been raised and scheduled to be carried out by Cheshire East Highways following the enquiry you logged.

    We’ll provide a further update once the work is completed. While we make every effort to keep to the programme, dates can change due to unforeseen factors, such as weather and budget availability.

    State changed to: Action scheduled

    Posted by Cheshire East Council at 13:07, Tuesday 14 January 2025

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