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Pepper Street, Mobberley Road, Town Lane

Reported via mobile in the Gritting and Grit Bins category anonymously at 14:53, Monday 6 January 2025

Sent to Cheshire East Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 6939607.

The Mobberley Road which continued on from Town Lane and Pepper street had not been gritted for over a week now. I can’t remember the last time it was gritted. We’ve had extensive flooding and ice on the roads due to lack of flood management. And there are key routes which are completely iced over without any attempt of gritting. The ice also hides the extremely large potholes and hazards that exist due to complete neglect on the upkeep of the roads in Cheshire. Icy conditions, terrible roads, no markings at all and now not even any grit.

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  • Thank you for contacting Cheshire East Highways.  Your enquiry has been logged and passed to a member of our team. We will aim to assess and update your enquiry within 20 working days. As your enquiry progresses you will receive further updates.

    Posted by Cheshire East Council at 14:53, Monday 6 January 2025

  • Thank you for your enquiry. We assess gritting routes in accordance with our winter strategy. More information can be found on our website, which can be accessed through the following link: highways_and_roads/ road-maintenance/ gritting-and-snow-clearance.aspx

    Posted by Cheshire East Council at 09:00, Monday 13 January 2025

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