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London road, nantwich. Vicinity of regents park.

Reported via desktop in the Carriageway category by Craig Nicolson at 09:55, Saturday 12 October 2024

Sent to Cheshire East Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 6606108.

There is no crossing, pelican or zebra, to permit safe crossing of carriageway. Particularly problematic for lesser able and people with children as this road is regularly crossed by members of the public heading to Little Angels or Red wellies nursery and pre-schools during peak traffic. This is a potentially dangerous situation and discourages people from walking or cycling to local amenities.

The only crossing from crewe road to stapeley is located near the junction to hospital street. A significant detour for anyone living near the top end of crewe road, Birchin lane or mount drive and heading south towards stapeley.

A crossing in this location or nearby, either side of the railway crossing would be a great improvement to the local infrastructure making pedestrian footpath access safer and more encouraging for local people.

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    Posted by Cheshire East Council at 09:55, Saturday 12 October 2024

  • A member of our team has recently contacted you by email to update you on your enquiry and communicated if any further action will be taken.

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    Posted by Cheshire East Council at 14:51, Wednesday 23 October 2024

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