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Bottom of holmesville avenue and onto main road

Reported via mobile in the Carriageway category anonymously at 19:16, Friday 6 September 2024

Sent to Cheshire East Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 6445050.

Bottom of holmesville is a very dangerous place. A over a year a go I reported this juction and was assured it's in going to be sorted. Yellow lines -about 1 foot around the corner -were put in place and that's it. It's now very common for our bins not to be collected. Ambulances have had to walk up the road as they can't get past the parking at the bottom. Delivery trucks including simple shopping deliveries have had to be cancelled. I've walked to the bottom to the top with 4 crates of food to get the food delivery as they can't get up. Pulling out of holmesville avenue is increasingly dangerous due to parking on the main road. Visibility is 0 on occasions and I have personally seen cyclists inches from collisions. Pulling into holmesville is also dangerous as its single lane due to people parking close to the junction and both sides. If someone is coming down, an emergency break is required causing all the traffic onthe main road behind to do the same. On occasion people are forced to reversed back into the main road to let cars past. If the parking stays like this , it is only a matter of time before someone is seriously hurt or worse. And God forbid there is a bad fire at any of the houses on holmesville as the fire truck will not get past or someone is seriously hurt as again ambulances get stuck. I know this has been reported several times. There is still a similar active report with a picture of a car which is often the one causing the blockages. Enough is enough something must be done about it.

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  • Thank you for contacting Cheshire East Highways. We have logged your enquiry and passed it to a member of our team.

    Our teams are working hard to manage and respond to reports from members of the public.

    We are experiencing a high volume of enquiries and we will be prioritising those issues that present most risk to the travelling public. While we normally aim to provide you with a response within 20 working days, response times for all other reported issues may take longer than usual.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Posted by Cheshire East Council at 19:16, Friday 6 September 2024

  • The Council has limited powers to deal with vehicles causing an obstruction and can only intervene where vehicles are obstructing a dropped kerb/footway or are parked where restrictions are present such as keep clear markings and double yellow lines. These issues should be reported directly to the Council’s Parking Services team through the following link: highways_and_roads/ road-safety/ nuisance-parking-and-parking-restrictions.aspx

    We have contacted our colleagues in Parking Services to investigate further, and action as required. Unfortunately your enquiry can no longer be tracked on FMS and will be closed down.

    Posted by Cheshire East Council at 11:09, Monday 16 September 2024

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.