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790059374/59375 and 790058600/58601

Reported via desktop in the Gully/Drainage category anonymously at 15:15, Monday 8 January 2024

Sent to Cheshire East Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 5414578.

Subject: RE: Cheshire East Highways - Enquiry Update - Enquiry 10049598

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Enquiry Ref 10049598

Your Grids Gullies referenced as 790058600 / 58601 and 790059374 / 59375

I refer to my previous emails. I note the comments made in your most recent email I also note from the information you have supplied that the grids and gullies referred to are next due to be inspected in 2025. Hough Lane is a lane which has ribbon development along its entire length. It also has a large range of trees, most of which shed their leaves in the autumn and winter months. The grids that I have again brought your attention to, constantly overflow even if the rainfall is slight. In times of downpours and heavy showers it can take days for the grids and the carriageway to clear. The grids are full to the brim with leaves from the surrounding trees, most of which are the responsibility of the council. The fact that the grids were last inspected in November 2021 and presumably are not therefore routinely visited by a gully sucker (according to your recent email detailing recent maintenance records,) means in all probability they won’t be further visited until 2025, this does not instil me with confidence. As stated in my previous email, I consider the current condition of the grids and the fact that the carriageway floods and does not rapidly drain away, lead me to conclude, that the current situation is potentially dangerous . We have traffic leaving the left hand side of the carriageway (When traveling along Hough lane in the direction of Alderley Edge) to face oncoming traffic in the right hand lane, because the road is flooded. i am confident that this situation remains a safety risk and a hazard to road users in general and if not corrected i fear that in all probability it may be the cause of a road traffic accident in the future. The emailed response from CE does not address the issue in hand. So i am not confident that anything meaningful is being done

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  • Thank you for contacting Cheshire East Highways. We have logged your enquiry and passed it to a member of our team.

    Our teams are working hard to manage and respond to reports from members of the public.

    We are experiencing a high volume of enquiries and we will be prioritising those issues that present most risk to the travelling public. While we normally aim to provide you with a response within 20 working days, response times for all other reported issues may take longer than usual.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Posted by Cheshire East Council at 15:15, Monday 8 January 2024

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