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Reported via desktop in the Gully/Drainage category anonymously at 09:45, Wed 13 December 2023

Sent to Cheshire East Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 5314693.

Dear Sir/Madam I am contacting you once again to plead for an urgent Drain jetting outside of 2 Beechwood Drive. After the last days rain, with more expected tonight, the water is once again rising out of the road at the top and running down the road in the gutters. It is now having the flow impeded by the leaves and I have had to go out this morning to unblock three of the grids to allow the water to get through. As it isn’t getting through quick enough it is starting to accumulate across the pavement outside No. 2 Beechwood Drive. If this pavement is breached it will get into the garden. This house was flooded last year at this time and the occupants have only been back home a couple of months after a very costly (100K+) refit. Because of this I beleive the drain is high risk. If the drain is jetted it may help alleviate the situation. According to your website, I don’t think this drain has been jetted since 2021. Yours Sincerely Sue Cook.

Update, The water on Beechwood drive is now pouring out of the pavement rather than around the fire hydrant. The drain needs jetting to ensure we don't get any more house flooding but the water source also needs sorting to reduce the load on the drain which appears to be coming from the fields behind. I have repeatedly brushed the leaves out of the gullies to keep the drains clear but no longer have the capacity in my bin to collect said leaves. If the road sweeper could do a final sweep of the roads this too would help prevent flooding.

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  • Thank you for contacting Cheshire East Highways. We have logged your enquiry and passed it to a member of our team.

    Our teams are working hard to manage and respond to reports from members of the public.

    We are experiencing a high volume of enquiries and we will be prioritising those issues that present most risk to the travelling public. While we normally aim to provide you with a response within 20 working days, response times for all other reported issues may take longer than usual.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Posted by Cheshire East Council at 09:46, Wed 13 December 2023

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