In progress
Flashing warning signs not working
Reported via Android in the Conditions of Signs category by Adrian Farrow at 12:56, Wed 26 April 2023
Sent to Cheshire East Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 4488342.
The yellow flashing warning signs governing traffic through Stafford Street in both directions have not been working for over 2 months. The defect results in vehicle blockages and danger to pedestrians, cyclists and damage to property and vehicles due to the narrowness of the carriageway. This is a major A-classified route used by HGVs and large agricultural vehicles all through the day. It is part of a national cycle route. The absence of vehicle warning lights creates hazardous confrontations and situations daily.
Thank you for contacting Cheshire East Highways. We have logged your enquiry and passed it to a member of our team.
Our teams are working hard to manage and respond to reports from members of the public.
We are experiencing a high volume of enquiries and we will be prioritising those issues that present most risk to the travelling public. While we normally aim to provide you with a response within 20 working days, response times for all other reported issues may take longer than usual.
Thank you for your patience.
Posted by Cheshire East Council at 12:56, Wed 26 April 2023
State changed to: In progress
Updated by Cheshire East Council at 11:13, Tue 6 June 2023
We have assessed the issue and have been unable to identify the cause during our visit. We need to carry our further investigations to fix the problem. We are unable to provide you with a timescale for this work, but will update your report once we have more information.
Posted by Cheshire East Council at 09:13, Mon 26 June 2023
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.