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Bridgemere Primary School

Reported via desktop in the Winter Maintenance category anonymously at 09:50, Tue 11 January 2022

Sent to Cheshire East Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 3231548.

I'm really concerned about the lack of gritting outside my son's school. It was lethal in the recent frost and the speed people go along that road makes for a fatal accident waiting to happen. The car park is no where near big enough so the majority of us have to park on the road and its unbelievable to think someone somewhere decided it was a good idea not to grit along this road. I understand the financial aspect and I do appreciate the limited staff situation given our present circumstances but I really would appreciate consideration being given to rural schools with such remote settings. Thank you.

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  • Thank you for contacting Cheshire East Highways. We have logged your enquiry and passed it to a member of our team. We will assess your enquiry within 20 working days.

    Posted by Cheshire East Council at 09:50, Tue 11 January 2022

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