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Blocked gully and pipework to mains system

Reported via desktop in the Gully/Drainage category anonymously at 15:55, Wed 2 December 2020

Sent to Cheshire East Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 2415197.

This is a gully CEC Highways has known about since 2009 but has never maintained it or cleaned it, it runs under moss lane into private land owned by a property known as The Crest, the pipewoirk goes all the way down to thorn tree and is blocked and is adding to flooding issues, it is 1 of 3 culverts CEC Highways own but failed to maintain for over 10 years

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  • Thank you for contacting Cheshire East Highways. We have logged your report and assigned it to a member of our team. The report will be assessed and any necessary action taken. You can monitor your report online at

    Posted by Cheshire East Council at 15:55, Wed 2 December 2020

  • This has still not be sorted out CEBC Highways thinks that leaving the pipework blocked from the gully to the output drain is acceptable it is not no water is going to tge output

    Posted anonymously at 16:57, Wed 30 December 2020
    Still open, via questionnaire

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