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All along Congelton Road from the Flowerpot

Reported anonymously at 08:48, Wed 29 June 2022

Road noise and vibration is becoming increasingly annoying along Congleton Road. My partner and I moved to this road less than a year ago, but the amount of lorries and HGV's speeding down the road is causing great vibrations within the house. Our window mantle has come away from the wall and we are now in need of a replacement window at the back of the property. We have large internal cracks from movement, potentially linked from the vibrations. Every day, the whole house shakes. It's becoming a nightmare and a worry! The Pavement area by the FlowerPot pub is also very small, it's very hard to pass oncoming people without having to step foot into the road. When people wait at the bus stop, it clogs up the pathway making it very hard to pass. I dread to think how wheelchair users can get past this part of the pavement.



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